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RAMS Solutions is a company that specializes in providing a wide range of services to businesses and organizations looking to optimize their operations and improve their overall performance.


Group 351

Human Capital Management

Our passionate consultants are dedicated to ensuring successful Oracle HCM integration through our unparallel experience and extensive regional network. When you partner with RAMSSOL consulting, we help you reduce risk and maximize investment with the support of RAMS framework for successful implementation.


IT Staff Augmentation

At RAMS, we have been a part of customer's recruitment success for 10 years as their People Solutions partner. With 10 dedicated recruitment professionals and over 10,000 outsourced staff across different industries, we are here to advance your recruitment process through technology.

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Success Story


Oracle PeopleSoft & HCM

  • RAMS cooperated with Deloitte, E&Y and Oracle to review the organisation business process with recommendation of deploying modern HR practice in June 2018.

  • RAMS was awarded a direct contractor Oracle PeopleSoft Payroll implementation across all UEM Group, covering more than 14,000 employees.

  • RAMS together with Oracle is also building a modern e-Claims and Overtime system for UEM.

  • 50 members (including team members from Ramssol Group) has been deployed to implement the Modern Cloud Solutions at Menara Mercu UEM KL Sentral with total deployment head counts of 10,000 employees. The objectives of the implementation is to revolutionise the existing legacy systems which were not consolidated amongst business units. The end stage of the project is to consolidate more than 50 systems to a single ERP and HCM cloud solutions

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Rams Solutions Co. Ltd


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Tanah Kota Podomoro, Apt. Soho Maple Tower, Jl. Letjen S.Parman Kav. 28, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat #11470 Indonesia

+6281 1175 7088

Hak Cipta © 2021 RAMSSOL. Seluruh hak cipta  

Ramssol mengacu pada satu atau lebih dari Ramssol Group (RG), jaringan global perusahaan anggotanya, dan entitas terkaitnya dan masing-masing perusahaan anggotanya dan entitas terkait adalah entitas yang terpisah secara hukum dan independen, yang tidak berkewajiban atau terikat satu sama lain dalam menghormati pihak ketiga. RG, firma anggota RG, dan entitas terkait hanya bertanggung jawab atas tindakan dan kelalaiannya sendiri, dan bukan tindakan dan kelalaian satu sama lain. RG tidak memberikan layanan kepada klien.

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